Naši mediji čestitajo in pozdravljajo: sign your name with love

V Sloveniji imamo pač medije, katerih uredništva za rojstne dneve in ob poročnih priložnostih čestitajo in pozdravljajo politike. Govorimo o tabloidih? Hja, če se s tem strinjajo. V redakciji Financ so najprej čestitali poslancu SDS in prvi dami Dursa, potem pa so se popravili in v isto vest dodali še čestitko poslancu NSi in njegovi izbranki. O darilu mladoporočencem ne poročajo, kot tudi ne, ali so pripravljeni čestitati le politikom, ki so na oblasti in na liniji.

No, tu je nekaj izposojenih navodil, kako učinkovito izoblikovati čestitko, če ste slovenski novinar in želite poročenemu politiku iz srca vse najboljše:



Address the bride and groom by name with a salutation such as “Congratulations John and Jane!”


Express your feelings over the couples’ nuptials. “I am so happy for you both” or “I am so thankful Jane found such a wonderful man to share her life with.”


Send well wishes including luck, fun and laughter, joy and prosperity, and health and happiness.


Share a special memory of the couple or an applicable memory of the bride or groom. “I remember listening to John gush about Jane after your first date.”


Make the couple laugh with tasteful jokes about marriage or an inside joke among friends.


Include wise words about love or marriage such as a poem, famous quote or a spiritual passage.


Give advice learned from your own relationship such as, “Never go to bed angry,” “Schedule a date night every week” or “End every night with a kiss.”


Add a note explaining the significance of your wedding gift, if applicable. “I know how much you both love to cook. I hope you enjoy many romantic breakfasts with the heart-shaped waffle iron.”


Sign your name with love.

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