Vodstvo EPK nevedno ali govori neresnico: Talin je prejel nagrado Meline Mercouri

prejšnjem včerajšnjem zapisu smo jasno dokumentirali, da so doslej prav vse Evropske prestolnice kulture prejele nagrado Meline Mercouri. Današnji Večer pa žal na sledi izjavi vodstva EPK zavaja – slednje se celo hvali, kako uspešni so, češ doslej vse kulturne prestolnice niso prejele nagrade:
Javni zavod Maribor 2012 EPK je dobil nagrado Meline Mercouri v vrednosti 1,5 milijona evrov, k čemur je botrovalo poročilo bruseljske komisije neodvisnih strokovnjakov, ki je odločala o priporočilu. Konec aprila so torej predstavniki zavoda v Bruslju uspešno opravili zadnji monitoring, kjer so pristojni komisiji predstavili napredek EPK. Denar “za trajnostne programe” bo od evropske komisije ekipa EKP dobila septembra, prav tako ga dobi portugalsko mesto Guimaraes. V zavodu EPK pozdravljajo odločitev, tudi v luči dejstva, da denarja ne dobi vsako mesto, ki je kulturna prestolnica Evrope, tako ga na primer ni prejel letošnji estonski Talin.

Žal to je izmišljeno, nedopustna neresnica ali neverjetna nevednost pa instrumentalizirani za lastno samohvalo. O tem, da je estonska prestolnica Talin prejela omenjeno nagrado, pričata vsaj dva naključno izbrana zapisa spodaj. Predlagamo, da vodstvo zavoda EPK pojasni, kdaj je bila ta nagrada Talinu odvzeta:

Tallinn 2011 Scores 1.5 Million Euros from EU
Published: 04.10.2010 12:13
Tallinn’s European Capital of Culture project, Tallinn 2011, has been awarded 1.5 million euros from the European Commission to help fund its event program.
The support, which comes in the form of the Melina Mercouri prize, is routinely given to Capital of Culture host cities once the EC is satisfied with preparations for the event.

The commission decided to award the funding on the basis of a letter it received in mid-August from the Estonian minister of culture and the mayor of Tallinn in which each pledged 3.2 million euros to the project, novosti.err.ee reported.

“Armed with this information, the Commission decided to proceed with the payment of prize money,” said Xavier Trussar, head of the EC’s Directorate General for Education and Culture.

Tallinn 2011 has been awarded the 1.5 million Euro Melina Mercouri prize
European Commission  Directorate-General for Education and Culture has assured that Tallinn 2011 will receive the 1.5 million euro Melina Mercouri prize.
The decision is based on the  joint letter that the Minister of Culture and the Mayor of Tallinn have sent to Mr Jan Truszczyński, Director General of Education and Culture in the European Commission in August, to guarantee the funding of the programme of 2011 year with 50 million krones each.

– Considering this information, the Commission is prepared to proceed towards the award of the Melina Mercouri Prize to Tallinn 2011, wrote the culture and media director of European Commission  Directorate-General for Education and Culture Xavier Troussard.

– The positive funding decision enables the foundation to move on with our plans according to the budget, comments the member of the board Jaanus Mutli. – The prize money will be used to fund projects of the programme in 2011 and also this year, adds Mutli.

Turku was awarded the 1.5 million euros prize in June.

The “Melina Mercouri” prize, which is named after the Greek minister of culture who first initiated the title, shall be awarded to the cities designated as European Capitals of Culture by the European Commission on the condition that they have fulfilled their commitments and implemented the recommendations made by the selection and monitoring panels. 

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